Friday, February 7, 2014

Focusing on Life: Quiet Calm

In Focusing on Life the February theme is cabin fever and here is what our hostess Sally had to say on the weekly prompt " The world begins to emerge from its wintry blanket quietly, calmly.  Subtle cues emerge with very little notice. For this week's photo assignment we will focus on the quiet calm of the world re-energize around us.". Here in Minnesota cabin fever really applies. The wind chills this week were again in the -30 degree range for several days so there were very few signs of spring yet. The only thing that I could think of was that the icicle on my front porch roof was no longer touching the ground. Then today it was 14 degrees (yeah) and I saw these two guys up in the corner of my front porch.  Well there really is a sign of spring here even if it is a long way off. To see what others found as signs of spring please click on the link to Sally's site


  1. I guess you know you're having a heat wave when the icicle melts a little! We were really happy and excited to reach 30 degrees today!

  2. OMG - how can wee lil ladybirds be appearing when there's been icicles like that?!!? That is just bizarre - yet magical :)

    1. I didn't expect to see them until it warmed up a lot but there they were.

  3. What hardy creatures lady bugs are to venture out in the freezing cold.

  4. What hardy creatures lady bugs are to venture out in such cold weather. Your comment about the icicle on your house no longer touching the ground gave me a chuckle this am.

    1. I'm glad that I could bring you a chuckle. I didn't expect to see the ladybugs when it was this cold.

  5. Yep, looks like my world this morning! It really will end.... We had hints last weekend, but it's all under a foot of snow at the moment!

  6. I wish I could say I only had a foot of show. There are places in my yard that are almost waist deep and the plow banks are 6" tall in my driveway. Yes spring will eventually get here.

  7. I'm in Wisconsin and I saw a ladybug at my friend's house last night too! Maybe Spring really IS on its way!!! =)

  8. Cute little ladybugs - perhaps they got cabin fever and needed to get out for walk!

    1. Maybe you are right the ladybugs got cabin fever too.

  9. Oh I love those brave lady bugs!

  10. Yes the ladybugs are indeed brave to be here in this kind of weather.

  11. heheh! Love those ladybugs. My goodness, sounds like Minnesota is ready for a big thaw!!! Hope spring some soon for you and that icicle disappears altogether!

  12. A big thaw would be really welcome here.

  13. 14 degrees! Break out the bikinis! Got to love those little bugs, such hardy little souls. Beautiful pictures.

  14. Break out the bikinis made me laugh. Yes 14 decrees felt like a heat wave compared to most of the last month. I'm glad that you liked my photos.

  15. Cute little lady bugs,...all quiet and calm!! I love the icicle pic - wowsers!! Glad you got temps that were almost bearable this week. Hope it warms more,...but I know it's going to be colder for a spell! Hang in there. :-)

  16. Thanx Shel. I was happy to see some life . The icicle on the front porch has gotten much smaller than it was. We may see 30 this week
